Antonio Freitas
Doctor Antonio de Araujo Freitas Junior is Provost of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV). President of CLADEA - Consejo Latinoamericano de Administración of Schools. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Education – ABE, the most prestigious Academy of Education in Brazil. Council member of Technical School Foundation of Rio de Janeiro – FAETEC, which has more than 300 thousand students. Former member of the Brazilian National Board of Education. Coordinator and Researcher at FGV's Center for Studies in Management on Quality and Competitiveness in Higher Education. Member of the Steering Committee of the Principles of Responsible Management Education – PRME/Global Forum – UN.
Graduate in Civil Engineering from the Polytechnic School of Pernambuco/Brazil. Holds a Master in Production Engineering from Federal University from Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), I.E. in Industrial Engineering from Syracuse University, PhD from North Carolina State University and Post-doctorate from the University of Michigan. Prof. Freitas was chosen by the students as The Outanding Teacher of the Year at the University of Michigan – Ann Harbor.
Participate actively in the educational and multidisciplinary research , nationally and internationally; His research interests and publications are related to the Sustainability Management, Quality in Education and Applied Finance.