Antonio Robalo
Academic Degrees
Dr.rer.pol. Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften/Mathematik
Trier University, Germany, 1992
Post-graduation : Economics (Nova Univ.), 1980
Bachelor: Economics, ISCTE, 1977
Present Position
Full Professor (Prof. Catedrático), ISCTE - IUL, Lisbon
Main areas of interest
Intercultural Management, International Business
Present Activities
Director of the Master in International Management (taught in English)
Associate Dean, International Exchange Programmes in Management
International Experience
Maputo, Mozambique, Praia and Mindelo, Cape Verde, Macau, Poland, China, France, Czech Republic, Japan
Activities within projects supported by the World Bank in Mozambique (training) and Cape Verde (project assessment).
Publications (in the field of Comparative Management, in English)
Comparative Management - Gestão Comparada
Ed. Sílabo, Lisboa 2004
The validity of GLOBE’s cultural dimensions in the prediction of leadership practices
EIBA Annual Conference, Bucharest, 2011
"Leadership Practices in Portugal and China (in Chinese)", Academia Bimestris, 2013 - 4: 18 – 24
A Comparative Study of Leadership Practices in Thirtheen Countries. In: 15TH IAMB CONFERENCE, 2013. Lisbon. 15th IAMB Conference proceedings, 17-19 April, Portugal. 2013.
Portuguese Cultural Standards from an Austrian Perspective
Global Economics and Management Review 2013 forthcoming