2017 Best Under 40 Italian Professors - Francesca Gino


Francesca Gino is the Tandon Family Professor of Business Administration in the Negotiation, Organizations & Markets Unit at Harvard Business School. 

She is also formally affiliated with the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, with the Mind, Brain, Behavior Initiative at Harvard, and with the Behavioral Insight Group at Harvard Kennedy School.

Professor Gino teaches Decision Making and Negotiation in the MBA elective curriculum and in Executive Education programs at the School. She co-chairs an HBS Executive Education program on applying behavioral economics to organizational problems.

She also teaches a PhD course on Behavioral Approaches to Decision Making, a PhD course on Experimental Methods and one on Micro Topics in Organizational Behavior.

Professor Gino has won numerous awards for her teaching, including the HBS Faculty Award by Harvard Business School’s MBA Class of 2015 and the 2015 Charles M. Williams Award in recognition of remarkable teaching in the MBA Program, and for her research, including the 2013 Cummings Scholarly Achievement Award, from the Academy of Management Organizational Behavior Division. In 2015, Francesca was chosen by Poets & Quants to be among their "40 under 40", a listing of the world's best business school professors under the age of 40.

Professor Gino’s research focuses on judgment and decision-making, negotiation, ethics, motivation, and productivity. Her work has been published academic journals in both psychology and management, as well as in numerous book chapters and practitioner outlets. Her studies have also been featured in The Economist, The New York Times, Newsweek, Scientific American, Psychology Today, and The Wall Street Journal, and her work has been discussed on National Public Radio and CBS Radio.

In addition to teaching, Professor Gino advises firms and not-for-profit organizations in the areas of negotiation, decision-making, and organizational behavior.

Professor Gino is the author of Sidetracked: Why Our Decisions Get Derailed and How We Can Stick to the Plan (HBR Press, 2013).

Personal Website: http://www.francescagino.com/


Francesca Gino nella sua giovane ma ricca esperienza accademica ben rappresenta le peculiarità e lo spirito dell’ ASFOR Award 2017 Best Under 40 italian Professors:

  • Una carriera iniziata nel 2004 con il PhD in , Economics and Management presso Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies,Pisa, poi sviluppatasi in ambito internazionale che l’ha portata ad essere chiamata (accolta) nel 2010 nella prestigiosa Harvard Business School e ad ottenere importanti riconoscimenti 2013 Cummings Scholarly Achievement Award, from the Academy of Management Organizational Behavior Division ; HBS Faculty Award by Harvard Business School’s MBA Class of 2015; by Poets & Quants to be among their "40 under 40", a listing of the world's best business school professors under the age of 40.
  • Una grande capacità di sviluppo di cultura e ricerca manageriale in un contesto internazionale che l’ha portata ad essere un riferimento sui temi Negotiation, Organizations & Markets Unit (.. applying behavioral economics to organizational problems… ). Delle numerose pubblicazione e articoli ricordo il libro “Sidetracked: Why Our Decisions Get Derailed and How We Can Stick to the Plan” tradotto in 8 lingue e il recentemente speciale pubblicato da Harvard Business Review Italia (marzo 2017) su “Talento ribelle: Lasciate che i vostri dipendenti si ribellino”, che ben evidenziano i sui studi sul “non conformismo costruttivo”.
  • Una concreta capacità di sviluppo di cultura e ricerca manageriale in un contesto internazionale strettamente collegata alla valorizzazione dell’essere italiana, una Giovane Donna orgogliosa portatrice della nostra cultura e della nostra storia che collega integra con efficacia con i migliori ambiti internazionali di ricerca manageriale.

Riconosciamo in Francesca Gino una Ambasciatrice del nostro Paese e del nostro migliore DNA, un positivo modello per i nostri Giovani.